Voyager enhancements

Voyager enhancements form part of the Development Collaboration Agreement between IGeLU and Ex Libris. See the enhancements framework for further information.

Voyager 8.2 implementation schedule

The enhancement process for the next minor release, Voyager 8.2, has now begun. Voting took place between 27th October 2010 and 19th November 2010. The enhancement ballot contained 143 items covering each Voyager client and most of the extension products.


In total 83 member institutions cast their votes, 27 from IGeLU and 56 from ELUNA. Each member could allocate up to 10 point to any item for a maximum of 100 total points. A total of 7,878 points were allocated by voters. IGeLU and ELUNA members may use their NERS credentials to view the final ballot results.

After the close of voting, Product Working Groups jointly reviewed the results and recommended forwarding those items that received 100 or more points. Therefore twenty-one items will be presented to Ex Libris for evaluation and development. Items which did not receive 100 votes will remain active for future balloting.