Constitution & Statutes

2021 Proposed Statute – pending Member’s Approval

IGeLU Statute pending 2021 membership approval. Updates have been highlighted in ‘yellow’

The IGeLU Assembly has decided to start a process for the formal recognition of IGeLU, as a non-profit association.

We are now in the final phase of this process and it is necessary to complete the entire process to amend the Statute to include some points that are expressly required by the new Italian legislation, where our association has its official seat.

All the changes introduced in the Statute are highlighted in yellow in the text presented.

Voting will take place through the NERS system

Taking part in the vote is extremely important, since the new statute must be approved by at least two thirds of the association’s members

The last date for voting is the 23rd of August

Current Statute

IGeLU Statute Approved by the Assembly of Members 2020

                           Refer Assembly of Members 2020 Minutes

Previous Statutes



IGeLU Statute (2007)

Deed of Association (2006)